Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Blizzard of Oz 2011.

First things first: I don't know who came up with that name, but I love them for it. Blizzard of Oz? GENIUS!

Alright, so like a lot of the country, we got some snow. Well, quite a bit of snow. So, when I got out to my car to leave for work, I couldn't get it out. As in, it won't budge. Needless to say, I did not make it into work this morning.

This evening I decided to go out and try it again because I have to work again tomorrow. Wanna know how I ended up getting this:


out of the snow? Two little tricks.

1. Use what you have.
I used to keep a shovel in my trunk. But somehow it was taken out of the trunk and never put back in. So what did I use instead? This:


This is a little plastic seat that my mom used to sit on to relieve pressure in her back. Thankfully, she left it in the trunk of the car when the car was passed down to me. Because it was either use this, or a small spade that I had in the car from some art class. (I acquired a lot of rando tools from art classes..)

2. Floor mats are really helpful.


When I scooped all of the snow out from under and behind the tires, and it still wasn't moving, I put floor mats from the car behind the tires so that the tire had something to grip onto instead of the ice on the road. I seem to remember trying this one other time and the floor mat just flew out the front of the tire, which was humorous, but not at all helpful. Not this time! Worked like a gem.

I was pretty proud of myself for being resourceful. And I know it doesn't look like it would be hard to get my car out of that amount of snow, seeing as there isn't a whole lot piled around it, but the durn thing wouldn't move. And do you like how whoever scraped the lot scraped around my car. Yeah, me too.

Now I get to go to work in the morning! Hopefully the roads don't suck.

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