Sunday, April 10, 2011

That time we went to Hogwarts.

(This will be a two part story.)

For those who have just started visiting here or those who may have forgotten, Taylor got me a trip to Florida for Christmas. And we finally went on that trip this past week. Let me just say that it was ahhhh-mazing. We spent all day Wednesday at Universal Studios and hit up Hogsmeade and Hogwarts. I could have spent that whole day just at that section of the park.

We got to the park around 10 am. We figured we would go to the Harry Potter section first, thinking that since the park had only been open for an hour it wouldn't be too busy. Wrong. We had to get a "go back" time because they wouldn't let anyone else into that section. So, we get our time (2 hours later) and go off and do other things. FINALLY we were allowed to go into Hogsmeade. It was packed. PACKED. We headed straight for Hogwarts to ride that ride. When we went in, the wait time was 90 minutes. When we left they had upped it to two hours. It was totally worth it. The ride was awesome. Taylor said it was his favorite ride. I have to agree.

And now, enjoy some pictures.








That first picture is the view from our hotel room. I found myself looking out the window a lot.


Obava said...

AH MAH GAHD Whitney I am so stoked for you! How was the butterbeer? Did you get the frozen kind or the regular? Do they even have both kinds anymore? Tell us more, tell us more!

cdubs said...

Awesome pictures!! I'm so glad you had such a good time! I can't wait for the second installment! That bf is a keeper ;)