Anyways, this one is going to be more of a list of thoughts. Which I find fun.
1. Butterbeer. When it got to be my turn I was really thrown when she asked if I wanted "cold or frozen". I ended up getting the cold variety, because (a) it was hot and I figured my frozen kind would melt rather quickly, and (b) I figured that's how Harry drinks it. Yes, I actually thought that in my head. Don't worry. It's cool.
Anyways, Taylor didn't get any but he had a taste of mine. We've decided that it's kind of a mix between cream soda and butterscotch. They put this whipped cream stuff on top that was really good. I want to drink some right now.
2. The buildings. Dude, they put sooooo much detail into this thing. It was exactly how I pictured Hogsmeade and Hogwarts. Except for Ollivander's. I understand that it's an important shop and they wanted to include it though. And if the joint wasn't so ungodly crowded, I would have went in. I told you about how we didn't go into any of the shops right? Well, we didn't. I guess this means I have to go back!
3. You wanna know something I was kinda shocked about, the workers didn't have British accents. When we went to the Harry Potter Exhibition, all of the workers were required to have British accents. For some reason I just expected the workers at the park to have them too. Guess not.
4. When we got out of the Forbidden Journey ride, there was a little dance going on by the Beauxbatons students. I didn't really get to see it, but it was happening. I'm going to assume that the Durmstrang students did some thing too because they were all standing around there.
5. I still haven't eaten my chocolate frog. The chick at the gift shop said that she ate her's in one day. This thing is huge. HUGE. A lot of chocolate. Also, I got Helga Hufflepuff as my wizard card. Sweet. Seeing as I tend to think that I would be a Hufflepuff.
6. There are zero pictures of Taylor and I together on this trip. Seriously. There's a picture of me:

A picture of Taylor:

None of us together. Here's the story: When we got to Universal, they took our picture when we were going in, like they pretty much do at any amusement park. They even took a second picture where we put our hands out in a weird manner and told us they would put a cartoon in our hands. Our plan was to stop at the photo place on our way out. We forgot. It wasn't until we got back to the hotel room and Taylor was emptying out his pockets and he found the little piece of paper the photo dude gave us that we remembered. Whoops.
I'm hoping that after a while the area won't be as crowded all the time. And that is when I plan to go back and hit up the things that we missed. And eat at the Three Broomsticks. And buy a wand from Ollivander.
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