Saturday, March 26, 2011

Cleaning out the camera.

In anticipation of my upcoming trip to Hogwarts, I mean Florida, I thought I needed to clear out my camera memory card.

Wanna see some photos?? Too bad, you're going to anyways. HA!

The first picture ever taken of Luna on the day I got her. She's a lot more fluffy now.

I once went to this little flea market and when I walked out of the building, this was what I saw. Can I please buy this house and live here?

This picture is really really old. Erin and I drew this little situation on the board in the study room when we lived in the dorms. Fun times.

And this was written by Kaitlin when we lived in our first apartment. Aka, The Dungeon. Anyways, both of us were just reading Twilight. And were excited for our high school homecomings.

I once had to leave Luna in the bathroom for a bit while I went out because the maintenance dudes were supposed to be stopping by. When I got back, she had wrecked havoc on the clothing I had piled up in the bathroom.

These are 12, yes 12, forks that I found in my purse when I was cleaning it out the other day. The fact that I had 12 forks stashed in my purse and still had enough to eat with for a long time should tell you something about the amount of silverware I own.

My sister took this picture when Mom and her came to visit. I was in the shower, Mom came running to tell me that there was a goose on my fence, and Abby then photographed it.

Also while they were here, we went to a Princess Diana exhibit at Union Station. Mom's a big fan. It was really pretty cool. They had stuff from her childhood, and lots of her dresses. Including HER WEDDING DRESS. Seriously, it was crazy. I thought Mom was going to die.

Well, that was fun.

Also, remember how I started that Photo A Day project at the beginning of the year and was making it my new year's resolution? Well, let me just start off by saying that I never keep a new year's resolution. Including this one. I started off good, and then there were days when I forgot to take a picture, and then a day turned into a week, and....well you get the point. Maybe I'll start up again sometime. We'll see.

K, bye!

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