Thursday, January 20, 2011


Here lately I've been feeling kind of blah. I have a whole list of projects and things I need to be doing, but when I come home from work I just want to crash on my couch with a book or the remote. And I know that if I get started on a project I will be motivated and won't feel so blah anymore.

I'm thinking I need to set my easel up in the middle of my floor again and see what happens. If I see it sitting there, with a blank canvas on it (I have 2 by the way. Blank canvases that is.) I'll be inspired to sit down and do something with it.

I just wish it was summertime. So I can go outside and sit and play with Luna. And go on little adventures in the city. Instead of just going from work to home because the roads and weather suck so badly.

Blue skies and green grass.

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