Monday, January 31, 2011

What I did tonight.

I had today off from work, and since the weather is supposed to get crappy these next couple of days, I decided to stay in. And I had been eying my soft pastels that were laying in my large box of art supplies for a while, so I decided to break them out for a little drawing session.

I haven't actually sat and drawn anything for a while, so I decided to lay out the quilt my grandma made me on the floor, turn on some music, and have at it.





Luna looked at me like I was a crazy person. And then she got in the way a lot when she demanded attention by laying on my hands. Kinda like she is trying to do right now.

Anyways, simple pictures. I like using pastels because you can get all messy when blending the colors. And I like getting messy when making art. And I like the blending of the colors pastels create.

The gnome's name is Peter.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Cat.

You see this ceramic cat?


My great-grandma made that cat apparently. And then gave it to one of my mom's cousins. Well, my cousin too, but you get the picture. Well, somehow it got handed down to me. And I actually really like it. It's cool. Vintage-y. Made by a family member. However, I have no idea where I am going to display it.

I was going to put it on my bookshelf, but it's too tall. And I don't really like it just sitting around on the floor. Like it doesn't have a home. But for now that's what it's going to have to do. Until I get some sort of table or shelf or something I guess.

Also, my great uncle (who's wife gave it to me) told me that I could "hide my booze" in the hole in the bottom.



Thursday, January 20, 2011


Here lately I've been feeling kind of blah. I have a whole list of projects and things I need to be doing, but when I come home from work I just want to crash on my couch with a book or the remote. And I know that if I get started on a project I will be motivated and won't feel so blah anymore.

I'm thinking I need to set my easel up in the middle of my floor again and see what happens. If I see it sitting there, with a blank canvas on it (I have 2 by the way. Blank canvases that is.) I'll be inspired to sit down and do something with it.

I just wish it was summertime. So I can go outside and sit and play with Luna. And go on little adventures in the city. Instead of just going from work to home because the roads and weather suck so badly.

Blue skies and green grass.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

One of those posts where I talk about rando things.

I haven't blogged anything since the start of the new year. I've been keeping up with my Photo a Day project, but haven't posted anything here lately. Well, I've been busy. At least kinda busy.

You see, I've gotten into a new show. A Disney Channel show. I know, I know. Disney Channel, right?? Seriously. I started watching Sonny with a Chance one night and now I'm watching from the beginning. Mainly because of this guy:


Sterling Knight, please be Peeta Mellark. For reals.

Speaking of Peeta Mellark, when are they going to get cracking and start filming The Hunger Games?? Or at least casting people?? I'll start you guys off. Cast Sterling Knight as Peeta. Alright, one down.

For Christmas, my sister got me some posters and pictures to hang up in my apartment. I already hung up the 2 posters she got me. But I wanted to frame the 2 matted pictures. So, I went to my frame store, aka the thrift store, and picked up a couple cheap frames and painted them all up. Well, I painted them black anyways. Voila!


Now I just have to finish the other 8 projects on my project list.

Yes, 8.