Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Resolutions.

You may have noticed that these last couple of posts have been pretty heavy in the photograph area. Basically, I am just now really discovering the greatness that is Photobucket. And also because I'm gearing up for my New Year's Resolution.

Pretty much every year I try to come up with a resolution. And pretty much every year I tend to break it. You see on the side over there where it says "New year, new goals"? Yeah, well sadly not all of those happened. But I've been thinking about what I want to do this next year for a while now and I think I've finally decided.

I wanted to do something big. And fun. And I've seen this idea before and really liked it, so I'm going to take it on.


That's right. Everyday, I take a new picture. It doesn't have to be much, just something to document the day. (Abby: "I bet 350 of those will be of your dog.")

So, if you want to follow my project, go here. It's bound to be fun.

Also, I have a few more things I want to accomplish this year:
  • Start taking classes toward getting my art therapy degree.
  • Start an Etsy shop. I have ideas. Now I just have to actually finalize them and get stuff together.
  • Teach Luna how to sit. She actually knows "shake". Next is "sit".
  • Make a quilt. My last semester, I bought a crapton of fabric for my projects. I'm pretty sure it was around $200 worth. And now I have a HELLLLLLA lot left. And I haven't made a quilt in a while, so I'm going to. Maybe it will be someone's Christmas gift.
I feel like this are all good and attainable. I'll fill you in when I complete/start/show you progress.

Happy New Year!!

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