Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Meet Luna!

I got a puppy. I've been wanting one FOR-EV-ER and I finally live in an apartment that allows them so I got one! I adopted her from the humane society and she is really fun.

Her name is Luna. As in Luna Lovegood. Cause I'm a nerd like that. And my mom calls her Loony.

I've had Luna for a couple of days now, and here are some things I've learned about her.

Things Luna likes:
  • going outside
  • her little lion toy
  • stealing my body pillow
  • watching tv, especially Harry Potter and Zefron movies
  • sleeping all day and then getting up early in the morning

Things Luna does not like:
  • her leash
  • the sliding glass doors
  • bathtime
  • Taylor
  • staying in the bathroom while I'm at work
Thanks to my friend Erin here, I've decided to make her a little charm to put on her collar. You know, to keep away the nargles. Or maybe a little radish charm.

Or both!

1 comment:

Erin said...

I'm not surprised at all that she likes Zefron movies. Everyone should like Zefrom movies. I'm also somehow not surprised that she doesn't like Taylor...
And I'm glad that you're getting her a charm!