Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Meet Luna!

I got a puppy. I've been wanting one FOR-EV-ER and I finally live in an apartment that allows them so I got one! I adopted her from the humane society and she is really fun.

Her name is Luna. As in Luna Lovegood. Cause I'm a nerd like that. And my mom calls her Loony.

I've had Luna for a couple of days now, and here are some things I've learned about her.

Things Luna likes:
  • going outside
  • her little lion toy
  • stealing my body pillow
  • watching tv, especially Harry Potter and Zefron movies
  • sleeping all day and then getting up early in the morning

Things Luna does not like:
  • her leash
  • the sliding glass doors
  • bathtime
  • Taylor
  • staying in the bathroom while I'm at work
Thanks to my friend Erin here, I've decided to make her a little charm to put on her collar. You know, to keep away the nargles. Or maybe a little radish charm.

Or both!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

That time I got stitches from hide and seek.

On Sunday evenings, Taylor's family has a family dinner. This past Sunday, after everyone was finished eating, we played hide and seek. Don't worry, his 4 year old neice was the one to get the game started. As we were playing I was reminded of another hide and seek event. Let me share.

When I was a kid, I played outside a lot. One time, Abby (sister), another kid, and I were playing hide and seek. Now, there are a couple of ways people play hide and seek. We play it where there is a base and as soon as the seeker has finished counting and left base, you are free to leave your hiding place and run to base before they tag you.

Now, Abby and I were hiding inside the house while the other kid was outside on base (big tree) counting. When he finished his counting, he came into the house looking for us. Obviously, we went running outside. This is how it went down:
  • Abby ahead of me. Goes racing out door.
  • Me behind her, closely following.
  • Screen door comes swinging back.
  • I reach my hand out to push the door back open and continue running.
  • Hand and door keep going in their opposite directions, hand going through window.
  • Instant stopping of hide and seek race.
Seriously, I don't think I have ever seen my father jump up from his football watching quite as fast as he did that day. Since my dad was the only adult home, sister and friend had to go to the neighbor's next door while my dad took me to the ER.

After several x-rays, they discovered that I did not in fact have glass in my hand and that if I would have cut a centimeter deeper I would have hit a major artery. Goooood deal. Turns out, I did have to get a (1) stitch though. Baaaad deal. I hate needles. So much. My dad had to distract me by talking about the Royals game we were going to be attending soon.

So, this past Sunday when we were playing hide and seek, Taylor and I were hiding in the backyard, base in front yard. Then he suggests we just run through the house to get there faster.

And then I had flashbacks.

Monday, October 4, 2010


I went shopping today. And by "shopping", I mean I just wandered around stores awkwardly and looked at the stuff.
And bought nothing.
But, I happened across a load of plaid shirts. And that is where this story begins.

Now, I love me some plaid. I have for a long time.
Little Whitney sporting a nice plaid romper.

Way before these 2 made this little trend big.
Instigators of this plaid fad.

Now, for some reason I find it really hard to believe that these 2 buy their plaid new. I'm pretty sure they thrift store it up or bring out the shirts from their dad's closet (yes, KStewie too..).
However, you can purchase plaid flannel at big name stores. Let me just show you here.

Ladies, you see this shirt. It can be yours for $24.89. It was marked down from $39.50
Head on over to the Hollister website for more.

Now, the fellas have their options too.

This little number looks kinda like Robbie's up there. You can own it for $22.90 from your local Forever 21.

Now, see this:
Holla! KStew Halloween costume

8 bucks at the local thrift store.

Point to this story: Why are people buying shirts for $30 when they can dig through their parent's closets (trust me, I have..) and find them for free or hit up thrifty stores and buy them for cheap?

Am I right??
"Right you are, Whitney."

Thanks Al.

Thanks Hollister and Forever 21 websites for contributing pictures.