Sunday, September 26, 2010

What's happening. (Hot stuff.)

It's been a good couple of weeks since I have posted anything on this here blog. I've been busy. And haven't had a whole lot of internet access. BUT a couple of things have happened, so I thought I would share.

1. My car died.
It was a tragic death.
The story: I was called into work early one morning a few weeks back. I hadn't showered yet, but threw on some clothes and mentally thanked my cousin for washing my hair the night before when she cut it. I was off to work, driving in the rain, when this chick stopped at the yellow light in front of me. While I tried to stop, the rain on the road didn't help and my car ran right into her.
Goodbye Joan.
So, now I am driving my mom's car and she just got a new fancy one. When I asked her the other day if I could drive it, she acted like I had asked the stupidest question on the planet.

I guess that's kinda true.....

Also, Taylor's niece asked me today "Why did your car wreck?" Honey, I really wish it hadn't...

2. I'm moving. Again.
My roommate moved back home. So that means that I have to find a place to live. And I did! It's a little studio apartment closer to my work and where my cousins live. My mom even came down and looked at it with me the other day.
This means that I actually get to set up and decorate a place of my own! I started going through my crap that is taking over the living room of my mom's place and put some things together. Like all my books and pictures and stuff. I still have a lot to go through.

3. I'm thinking about going back to school.
I just graduated in May. However, getting a good job with an art degree is really hard to do.
Trust me.
So I've been thinking of some other options. Here's what I've narrowed it down to:

a) Pastry school.

I've visited The Art Institutes- International and have even applied and been accepted to attend. They wanted me to start in October, but I just have too many other things going on right now. And I haven't even decided if this is the way I want to go.
But I love to watch food network and Chef Duff is like my idol, so I thought why not check it out.

b.) Art therapy.
This I've just gotten into looking at. I need to call a couple of colleges tomorrow and see if they have anything to offer me. But right now, I'm thinking I like this idea more and more. I mean, the pastry thing sounds fun and all, but I feel like I would really really enjoy the art therapy thing. I feel like it is geared more toward what I actually want to do. Which I don't really know yet....

So there you go. Some things that I have been up to. When I finally get to move into my new place (in a week or 2 hopefully) I'll have to remember to show off all my decor. Be getting excited. I am.

1 comment:

Erin said...

If you go into Art Therapy I would refer my patients to you. Just saying.