Monday, August 2, 2010

I need your advice.

I'm thinking about cutting my hair off. I've had long hair for a while now. It may be time for a change.
Soooooo, here's about how long my hair is now:

Ahhh Erin's graduation...

And here's what I think I want to do:

Just kidding. Totally freaked you out didn't I?! (Don't worry, this freaks me out too.)

Ok, in all seriousness, I'm thinking about something like this:
(Is this that chick from The Hills?? I don't really know..)

I haven't really decided yet. I've been wanting to do something different with my hair for a while now. And this just seems like a good idea.

Now I need people to talk me into it. Or out of it if you think it's a bad idea.
My cousin says I should do it.


SharonMacross said...

Hey Whit, it's Deb. I say go for it. I took some time out of my fan fic readin' to photoshop you this photo:
I only did half of your hair (I really hope that's you). I think it looks kinda cute =) It'll grow out sooner than you think if you start to have regrets. But think of all the cute clips you could wear!

Obava said...

You are just talking the cut and not the color, too, right? My answer depends on 1 thing: Are you going to fix it every day (or most days)? Cuz I am retarded when it comes to hair/makeup and wouldn't fix it and it would look bad. If you are the hair-fixy type, I say go for it. It's a cute cut and style, and you're a cute girl!

amynkansas said...

I say go for it. If there's one thing I have learned over the years is that hair grows back. My daughter's bf cut her long hair much like the photo (not the scary one) and it looks VERy cute AND she looks a bit more grown up now too (she is kind of a puckbunnie so this gives her a more responsible look).

Courtney_0624 said...

I say do it! Why not right! I think the cut will look really cute on you. One thing though....are you big on putting your back in a pony tail? Cause it doesn't look like you'd be able to. That's just something that would bother me. Other than that I think you should definately go for it! :)

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

LOVE IT :) Try something new! It can always grow back!