Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I don't cook....

..but I really, really want to. I want to be awesome and cook good things.

So, today I went and hit up the new thrift store that just opened down the street. I love me a good thrift store. While I was looking around, I found this find for a buck:
That, my friend, is a lovely little cookbook binder thing that allows me to add my own recipes. I thought the cover was really cute and would go well in the awesome vintage-y, whimsical future kitchen I have planned.

I actually hit up this thrift store twice today. The first time I didn't have any cash on me and was just going to kinda look around. Then when I found this, I decided that I had to go back. I was already planning a trip to the WalMarks so I could get some new iPod earbuds (since I can't seem to find mine) and some cash. And then I went back and bought this little puppy.

Now I just need to add the recipes. My mom made her cousin a family cookbook for Christmas this past year, so I'm going to raid her computer and find all the recipes she used for that and add them. As well as any other good recipe I come across. If you have any suggestions, throw them at me.

While at this new store, I also found a really old Singer sewing machine for $20. I was really tempted to buy it. It probably doesn't work anymore, but it was cute and I would have displayed it nicely. I may have to check in on that sometime..

1 comment:

samalia said...

So I have a room upstairs that I call my sewing room- not because I sew, but because I go to thrift stores and auctions and buy old sewing machines. I have five. I just bought a brand new one so I'd actually be able to sew if the urge hit me.