Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Whitney writes..

Dear Jimmy Fallon,

I love you. Seriously. When I heard that Rob Pattinson (my lover) was going to be on your show, I prayed to Jesus that a Bothered video would come out of the deal. Because those make me laugh every single time. And you fellows delivered one of the best ones yet. I fangirled slightly (ok....a lot..) when it started and laughed my bum off.

Whitney (who is not Bothered)


Dear Spring Break,
You are next week. And I couldn't be any happier. This week sucks a big one. But I have a question, how are you still called spring break when there is still quite a bit of snow on the ground?? Doesn't make sense to me.

I am confused,


Dear Kristen Stewart,
First off, I have a random fact for you: if you get on imdb and just search for "KStew", it will automatically take you to your page. Be proud, cause that doesn't work for RPatz or TLaut. I found this out when I was too lazy to type your whole name and thought I would just try it out.
Second, why is it that I find myself comparing some of my mannerisms to yours? Yesterday, I was on my computer on the couch and my roommate was sitting in the recliner. She couldn't see my face cause my screen was blocking her view. Pretty soon, I see her peek her head around to look at me. Apparently she thought I was asleep because I wasn't "fidgeting like I usually do". I know I fidget. It drives my mother crazy. But in that moment, I thought of you. And then, I was walking home from class today and caught myself biting my lip. Well...crap son.

Let's be twins,


Dear Middle-of-the-Night Disney Channel,
The best shows you have to offer come on in the middle of the night. Hello, Recess in on at 3. I would know. I watched it last week. And at about 3:30 this morning, I watched The Luck of the Irish. Which is one of the best Disney movies ever. Totally trumps High School Musical. Ryan Merriman...he was like my Zefron back in the day. Is it weird that I still remember that his name is Ryan Merriman?

Maybe next time we could get some Motocrossed. Or Double Teamed. Or Smart House!


PS- I forgot this dude's name is Seamus. Hey Erin, you should take Seamus and dance.
PSS- This one chick looks like Bonnie from The Vampire Diaries. And her name is Bonnie on this movie too. Weird.


Dear The Office,
Can I just tell you how freaking excited I am about Thursday's episode? Sooooooooo excited. The Office baby is being born!! Jim and Pam will be parents!! Dwight and Michael will probably try to get in the middle of it and Dwight will come up with some weird baby delivery method from back in the Civil War days. Those are just a couple of predictions I have for the show.

I also think it will be a boy.

Woot! Woot!


Dear New Blog Friends,
Hello people reading my blog. Some of you I know (holla!) and some of you I don't know (holla! to you too.) You should leave me some commenting love. It's pretty chill around here. And random. You should expect that.

Welcome to the fun zone,


Courtney_0624 said...

Ditto on the Woot! Woot! for The Office! I can't wait for that episode to get here! I actually think it's going to be a girl and Jim will be putty in the baby's hands (like he already is in Pam's) :)

BTW, love the letter format and the randomness.

Hope Spring Break treats you well!

Amanda said...

I totally think that Jimmy Fallon & I should be best friends. He spoofs Lost, on of my fave shows. And his Robert is Bothered cracks me up everytime. When last night's started I sqeeing a little. Then when it panned to Rob I was sqeeing A LOT!

Loved tonight's letters & hope you have a good spring break!

Emily said...

Dear Whitney,
please be my friend, oh wait, you are... let me try this again.
Dear Whitney,
jimmy fallon and rpatz bothered? so glad that nbc posted east coast time so that i could watch with out having to dvr or stay up and watch. it was perfect.
xo em

Erin said...

Dear Whitney,
First of all, I miss you.
Second of all, feel free to borrow my boot if you want to be Bella for Halloween again this year. Maybe I will even be some Twilight character. Preferably Jane, because I like to inflict pain upon people.
Thirdly, I love Luck of the Irish and Smart House. The old Disney Channel movies were definitely better than today.
Finally, I would love to take Seamus and Dance.
Missing last semester,

samalia said...

Dearest Whitney,
I concur with everything you just wrote. times two. I do the same thing with KStew, I don't lip bite but I run my hand through my hair on a fairly regular basis. The only difference is I was my hair on an almost daily basis and I think she's on a weekly one. I don't think I could ever shake her hand if I met her b/c other people's hair-grease freaks me out and you know it'd be all over her hands.
oooookay i'm going to stop now.
:D Sam