Monday, March 29, 2010

Some things.

Hello blog readers/people who may stumble here.
You prolly shouldn't expect me to be around much in the next 3 weeks.
My show opening is 3 weeks from tomorrow. Hanging is 3 weeks from yesterday.
So things have to be finished 3 weeks from Saturday.
I fully plan to not sleep and/or bathe much in the next couple of weeks.
Or eat any real food.
But before I leave you for a while, I give you this bit of fun that I wrote in my Economics class while I was supposed to be watching a movie.
Seriously, this whole post is written on a piece of paper.

Dear my Economics partner,

I'm sorry I never pay attention in class. And therefore never know what we're doing during the in-class assignments where we are grouped together. Maybe eventually I'll find it interesting. But don't count on it.

Your Econ partner

Dear sick girl in my class,

Please don't come to class sick. I don't have time to be ill right now. You know what, feeling sick? Maybe you should go to the hospital. (Woah! Throwing some Jacob B. at you.) Anyways, you better not get me sick.

Not sick girl in your class

Dear Edward Cullen action figure,
I finally broke down and bought you. You should know I was a little intoxicated when I did. Anyways, I finally bring you home and what happens?? Your freaking head falls off.
Does this mean I just have to "burn the pieces"?


Dear Taylor,

I love us. For a lot of reasons (remember this?). But today I love that you texted me to tell me Fuse was having 8 hours of Lady Gaga. And I love that we then proceeded to text Gaga lyrics back and forth while I sat in class. My favs:
ME: Rah rah rah ah ah. Rah ma rah ma ma. Gaga ooh la la. Want your bad romance.
YOU: some foreign words bad romance
Are there even foreign words in Bad Romance? I was seriously holding back laughter in class. Fantastic.


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Are you kidding me Heidi Klum??

I love me some Project Runway.
I just finished watching tonight's new episode. I missed it when it was first on earlier, so I had to watch when they played it again.
You probably don't care...but whatever.
I have a few things to say about tonight's little session:

First off, I LOVED the challenge. I would kill to create my own printed fabric. Well, I mean I guess I kinda already have...we have had printing lessons in my fibers classes. Can I please be a printed fabric designer?? This is my new career aspiration. For reals.

Alright, now on to the good stuff. I think they kicked the wrong person off. I love Anthony. A lot. He was crazy and so totally gay and I loved everything that came out of his mouth. He has this fantastic personality that I really appreciate. Now, I know that this is a design competition and not a personality competition, but I loved his designs as well. The fabric he made tonight was soooooooo nice. I liked the purple ( know...purple's cool...(name it...first one wins)). I liked most of the dress. The shrug thing was weird and I think he could have left it off, but I liked the main part of the dress.
Mila's dress on the other hand....what. the. frick? I did not appreciate. That was barely even a pattern. Wasn't their pattern a part of the challenge?? And the model couldn't even walk down the runway! That dress was not fab. She isn't one of my favorites really anyways...

With Anthony gone, Seth Aaron is my new favorite. He's rocker and cool and crazy and different. I am rooting for you now.

PS-- My computer is sick again. :( This is no good. I am currently on my mom's computer that she brought up to me today when she had to come to town. But, she forgot the powercord. So I'm using my roommate's. I hope she doesn't mind. Mom's computer doesn't like to format this blogger business like my other one does. This is also no good. Maybe my computer will be fixed soon.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Iron Chef.

My mom and I are in love with Iron Chef.
We watched it together a couple of times when I was home for spring break last week.
We like it when the Asian dude gets really intense and into announcing the secret ingredient.
We're cool.

Anyways, I have only seen a couple of episodes where the iron chef loses.
It hardly ever happens.
They are too BA.

Yesterday, I get this text from my mom:
"Bobby Flay just got beat on Iron Chef"

Woah. Hold the phone. Bobby Flay never gets beat on Iron Chef.

I'm sad I missed this episode.
But really happy that my mom texted me and told me the news.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Just a Little Note.

KVegas Downtown Cinema 8,

I do not want to see Hot Tub Time Machine. I would much rather see this movie called Remember Me. You know, this little movie with 007 and this chick from that show Lost that I have never seen, and this really cute little girl. You should get that one instead. Thanks.


Oh, also.....This guy's in it:

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Saturday Funny.

I have kinda made a point here lately to laugh everyday.
Laughter is good for you.
What did I laugh about today??
I'm gonna tell ya.

There is this website where you can upload your photo and a photo of someone else and it shows what your baby will look like.
They also have celebrities that you can choose from if you wish.
I think we probably know where I'm going with this....

Our lovely baby boy.
Wanna see what our daughter would look like??

Isn't she precious?
Why do our children have weird mouths??
I don't understand...

And apparently Zefron and I's kid wears weird hats...

I have too much fun on the internet.
One time Kaitlin told me that I should never be left alone.
This is probably true...

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Friday when I was driving home, I stuck in my Patty Griffin cd.
Um, I love her.
If you haven't already, check her out.

Anyways, everytime I listen to her I wish I could play guitar.
Especially her song Chief.
iTunes that shiz.

Anyways, I tried to learn guitar once.
And by "tried", I mean Erin showed me some things one day and I learned to play Smelly Cat.
This summer: It will happen.
For sure.

Also, when I listen to Michael Buble I miss playing my saxophone.
I don't know why Michael Buble does this to me. And I love him.
I should just bust out the sax one day.
Break out the Crazy Train and Domino.

PS- I can't. stop. watching.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Whitney writes..

Dear Jimmy Fallon,

I love you. Seriously. When I heard that Rob Pattinson (my lover) was going to be on your show, I prayed to Jesus that a Bothered video would come out of the deal. Because those make me laugh every single time. And you fellows delivered one of the best ones yet. I fangirled slightly (ok....a lot..) when it started and laughed my bum off.

Whitney (who is not Bothered)


Dear Spring Break,
You are next week. And I couldn't be any happier. This week sucks a big one. But I have a question, how are you still called spring break when there is still quite a bit of snow on the ground?? Doesn't make sense to me.

I am confused,


Dear Kristen Stewart,
First off, I have a random fact for you: if you get on imdb and just search for "KStew", it will automatically take you to your page. Be proud, cause that doesn't work for RPatz or TLaut. I found this out when I was too lazy to type your whole name and thought I would just try it out.
Second, why is it that I find myself comparing some of my mannerisms to yours? Yesterday, I was on my computer on the couch and my roommate was sitting in the recliner. She couldn't see my face cause my screen was blocking her view. Pretty soon, I see her peek her head around to look at me. Apparently she thought I was asleep because I wasn't "fidgeting like I usually do". I know I fidget. It drives my mother crazy. But in that moment, I thought of you. And then, I was walking home from class today and caught myself biting my lip. Well...crap son.

Let's be twins,


Dear Middle-of-the-Night Disney Channel,
The best shows you have to offer come on in the middle of the night. Hello, Recess in on at 3. I would know. I watched it last week. And at about 3:30 this morning, I watched The Luck of the Irish. Which is one of the best Disney movies ever. Totally trumps High School Musical. Ryan Merriman...he was like my Zefron back in the day. Is it weird that I still remember that his name is Ryan Merriman?

Maybe next time we could get some Motocrossed. Or Double Teamed. Or Smart House!


PS- I forgot this dude's name is Seamus. Hey Erin, you should take Seamus and dance.
PSS- This one chick looks like Bonnie from The Vampire Diaries. And her name is Bonnie on this movie too. Weird.


Dear The Office,
Can I just tell you how freaking excited I am about Thursday's episode? Sooooooooo excited. The Office baby is being born!! Jim and Pam will be parents!! Dwight and Michael will probably try to get in the middle of it and Dwight will come up with some weird baby delivery method from back in the Civil War days. Those are just a couple of predictions I have for the show.

I also think it will be a boy.

Woot! Woot!


Dear New Blog Friends,
Hello people reading my blog. Some of you I know (holla!) and some of you I don't know (holla! to you too.) You should leave me some commenting love. It's pretty chill around here. And random. You should expect that.

Welcome to the fun zone,