Monday, September 28, 2009


Everyone who knows me knows I love my sweatpants.
Side funny story: Taylor was over one day and we were talking with my mom about how I was wearing sweats. He told my mother that he was going to buy me some more sweats for Christmas. She was not ok with this idea.
Anyways, I like to be comfortable.
But here lately I have been feeling the need to dress a little nicer on occasion.
I don't know, sometimes I feel like looking cute when I go to classes.

Once during the summer I had one of those "looking cute" days.
I think I was going out with Taylor or friends or something.
Anyways, I put on my skinny jeans, nice shirt, and off I went.
Well, instead of my mom commenting on how I actually looked decent, she asked me if I was going "goth on her".
Not. Even. Kidding.
This is the outfit I was wearing at the time:
(please ignore the ugliness of our bathroom)

No Momma, I am not "going goth on you".

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Alright y'all.
It is official.
This cat has made it to my top 5 list of hot celebrities:

Well hello Paul Wesley.
You are looking quite dashing.

Also, when I looked up Paul Wesley on Google images, I got this picture:
Note: not Paul Wesley.

Hey, if you're lucky maybe sometime I'll reveal the rest of my top 5 list.
I'm sure you could guess a couple...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It's just like, it's just like a mini mall.

I took my first official pictures for my photography class today.
We had taken a practice roll of film already, but today I actually got to go out and take pictures for real.
It is still a little weird. I'm used to being able to actually see the picture when I get done with it, and you can't really do that with a
35 mm.
And I'm used to having pictures in color, and that doesn't happen when you are using black and white film, obviously.

We had to pick a theme for what we want to take pictures of for the rest of the semester.
I'm reeeeeealy excited about what I am doing.
This summer I found my love for thrift and antique stores.
They hold the best and most random things.
So for my photography class, I'm going to go to antique/thrift stores and take pictures of what I find.
My biggest challenge is going to be not wanting to buy something when I go.
The place I went this morning was cheep and they had a ton of stuff I wanted.
I held myself back and just bought this:
Isn't he cute?
I am in love.

I'll put my pictures up when I develop them and all.
Hopefully they turned out cool.

I feel the need to explain the title of this post.
There is a thrift store here with the words "mini mall" in the name.
I can't remember the whole thing at the time...
Anyways, watch this video.
You'll understand.

Monday, September 21, 2009

I got blisters on me fingers!

Ok, not really.
But my fingers really do hurt.
You see, I've started to learn how to play the guitar.
I've been wanting to learn for a while, so now I'm doing it.
I have a total of three songs I can play.
Row Row Row Your Boat.
The Shower Song.
and Smelly Cat.
Those last two songs, if you didn't know, are Phoebe Buffay songs.


You see this picture?
Yeah, my little cousin got a guitar for Christmas.
This is me trying to play it.
Before I knew Smelly Cat.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Vampires, Spiders, and Theme Parks Oh My!

Topic 1: Vampires
I don't know what the sudden uproar over vampires is about, but I'm starting to get on board.
I held off as long as I could.
First came Twilight.
Ed: I love you.
Twilight is the only vampire book(s) I have read.
But now I'm hooked on The Vampire Diaries on the tv.
I accidentally watched the premiere last week cause it came on after That 70s Show, and I was too lazy to get up and change the channel.
And now I am fascinated.
Stefan: I love you too. You look like Edward.



Topic 2: Spiders
In the words of Ronald Weasley: "I don't like spiders."
Here's the story:
I walked into the bathroom the other day cause I had to pee like no other.
When I walked in, there was a MASSIVE spider on the floor by the toilet.

Well, I screamed a little and ran off.
When I say "a little", I really mean a lot.
I was home by myself, so I just hid away in the living room, hoping someone would come home soon to rid our house of this thing so I could pee.
After about an hour, nobody showed up.
I decided to brave up and slid into the bathroom to do my business.
That was the fastest I have ever peed.
When Erin came home, I built up the courage and tried to kill it with a shoe.
Turns out it didn't die.
It eventually got killed.
And it was revealed to me that this was a Brown Recluse spider.
Which is poisonous.
Erin knew this, but didn't tell me cause she "didn't want to scare" me.
I felt spiders crawling on me all night long.


Topic 3: Theme Parks
Ok y'all.
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter is officially opening in the Spring of 2010.
For graduation I'm asking for moneys so I can go during the summer.
Erin and I have already started the planning process.
Some nights at Disneyworld.
And then a whole day at The Islands of Adventure, where Hogwarts will be located.
I will finally get to go to Hogwarts!!!

I colored this.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Ohhh honey.

Here this past summer, I introduced Taylor to my two favorite things: Harry Potter and Twilight.

Now, he didn’t read either of them, but I did get him to go see the new Harry movie and we are in the process of watching the rest.
And I got him to watch Twilight with me, which even I was shocked I could do.

Well, I’m sitting here kinda watching the VMAs (yeah, Kanye is kinda a douche…) when the New Moon trailer comes up.
Pretty much the only reason I’m watchin.
Anyways, Taylor sends me a text, and the following text convo goes down:

him: im watchn a new moon trailer on mtv
me: oh i saw. dont worry. looks exciting huh?!
him: yeah it does. edward did.
(note: I think he’s on Team Ed and doesn’t even know it..:))
me: heck yes. you gonna go watch it with me when it comes out??
him: ya so he does die?
me: you’re just gonna have to wait and see if he dies i guess…..
him: i’ll be there.


I managed to not tell him the fate of Eddie Cullen.
Which is surprising, since I like to give away spoilers like crazy.
I feel like if he was with me, he would have gotten it out of me.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I love youtube.

Kaitlin: "Why is he puking?"
Me: "It's from all the romance."

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Dear Math,

Hi. We should not be friends. I think I'll just stick to creating fun things.


Monday, September 7, 2009

What da hale?!

So, I was walking through the Wal-Marks the other day, when I saw this:

Are we for real??
I'm used to seeing these two on covers of magazines, but when I saw this one, I had to fight the urge to burst with laughter.
OK Magazine: I think you took it one step too far.

Needless to say, I don't believe a lick of this.
I'm still not even sure if I totally believe they are together yet.
But when I got on the OK website to get this picture, a CRAPLOAD of people had commented, declaring their congrats to the "happy couple".

Good grief.

Picture from