Thursday, March 26, 2009

Fun times

Today, I had lunch with my dad! He came to Kirksville and we went and had foods at Ponderosa! Good times.

Anyhoo, that's not really what this is about. While we were eating, we got to talking about my sister's winter sports banquet that was the other day. I guess her coach was talking about each of the seniors and he said something about my sister's singing habits. (ha. I guess she sings a lot on the bus. Doesn't surprise me.) The coach told her that while her singing wasn't the greatest (haha) she did at least know every song that came on the radio. Dad said he starting laughing right there cause he knew where we both got that from (the knowing every song on the radio bit).

When we were young gals and with Dad, we would just get in the truck and drive for several hours at night. We would take dirt roads where ever they took us and play the freeze out game and listen to the radio loudly and have an all-around good time. We would listen to mainly classic rock, some country. But that's where we learned great music. I still listen to that same classic rock station today. It is what I fall asleep listening to and when I wake up, I usually automatically start singing the song in my head. When I'm driving around with friends (and I have control of the radio...which doesn't happen much) I like to test them and see if they know the song or who is singing. (Dad says he likes to do that too, and usually he always wins ha.)

Driving around on dirt roads became what my sister and I did with Dad. We usually stopped at the gas station and got a soda and candy, and then hit the gravel. I'm pretty sure Dad's favorite place to go was the area where he lived when he was little. He would always tell the same stories, and I'm pretty sure my sister and I could repeat them exactly still to this day. "This is the place where I broke my arm and I had to walk back up to the house and your grandpa took one look at it and rushed me to the doctor." "This is the hill the school bus slid down one winter."

I miss those days.

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