Friday, August 19, 2011

That time Luna escaped.

This event happened a while ago, but I feel like it still needs to be shared.

My sister turned 21 this year. And ever since I turned 21, my friends and I like to go up to the bar after the fireworks on the 4th of July to celebrate my birthday on the 5th. This year, my sister and our family went with us to celebrate. We had our fun time, and left when the bar closed at 1:30.

Since we had been drinking and Mom hadn't, she drove Abby, her boyfriend, and I back to the house. This is where the story gets good.

Whenever we leave Luna in the house at Mom's, I always put her in the kitchen with a baby gate blocking her way out. Well, I left for 4th of July activities before everyone else did, so I left it up to them to lock Luna in the kitchen. Whoever was in charge of the baby gate needs to take some lessons......

Back to us coming home from the bar. I unlocked the front door and get it open when I feel a little brush of fur go across my ankle. Crap.

Luna gets scared and runs. It's just how it goes. My thoughts were that she was scared from all the fireworks and when the door was open, she made a break for it.

Anthony (Abby's boyfriend) dashes after her. I shout at Mom, making sure she doesn't run over Luna as she backs out of the driveway. I then run after Anthony yelling Luna's name.

Just imagine this right now: small furry dog running down the highway, being chased by two semi-drunk people, one of which is shouting the dog's name, all at 1:30 in the morning.

Up ahead of me, Anthony stops running. I take this to mean that either Luna has stopped, or he lost her. Thankfully, when I catch up, he tells me that she is on the other side of this car. When I see her, she is sitting there, reallllllllly scared. I pick her up and let out a huge sigh of relief.

Mom then drives up to where we are and gives me a lift back to the house (Anthony opted to just walk). When I got in the car, I could tell that Mom was wanting to laugh at the scene she just witnessed, but was also a bit worried. When I told her I was fine, she let it all out and started busting up laughing. "Nothing like watching 2 drunks run down the highway at 2 am."

Let's just say that now we make sure the gate isn't going anywhere when we leave Luna at home alone.


1 comment:

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

I remember when my dog ran away once, it is THE worst feeling EVER!