Thursday, August 4, 2011

25 Things: #11 Attend a midnight movie showing.

If you've read this blog for about an hour, you know I'm a Harry Potter fan.
Heck, you really just have to look at the picture on my blog title and can see that.
So when the last Harry Potter movie came out, I knew I had to finally see one at midnight. I wanted to experience the awesomeness of intense Harry Potter fans.

Let me just say, it was awesome.








1. People!
2. I colored a picture of (badass) Neville while waiting.
3. Best costume of the night: chick dressed as Hedwig.
4. Movie partner Erin!
5. Our "legit" tshirts I made.
6. The person hanging up the cardboard characters was dumb. I really wanted to go over there and tell them to switch (badass) Neville and Draco and then everything would fit better.
7. If you look really close you can see a banana dueling a wizard. Don't ask questions.


Erin said...

That Neville and Draco mix up still really makes me irk. One month later.

Nancy Face said...

I love the crazy Hedwig whoa!

My daughter Lauren had a coworker who rented out a theater for an early showing at 6:00 pm. It was awesome to go early while everybody else was still waiting in line! Also cuz I'm REALLY old and it's hard for me to stay awake in midnight shows, ha!

Nancy Face said...

Thanks so much for commenting on my foolish blog! I just LOVE reading comments, but most people just read posts and say nothing. So YOU are awesomespice! :)