Thursday, July 28, 2011


Dear movie Peeta,

I approve.

The End.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

25 Things: The List

I debated on whether or not to post this, but then I thought "why the heck not."

I've seen on blogs where people do a "25 Things before 25" list. Where they pick 25 things they want to accomplish before turning 25. And since I just turned 24 a few weeks ago, I thought I would jump on the bandwagon and join in! Here's my list:

1. Start and finish the same book in one day.

2. Really learn French.

3. Learn how to write left-handed.

4. Start an Etsy shop. Sell some things.

5. Learn how to dance the Thriller.

6. Learn how to play the guitar.

7. Solve a Rubik's Cube.

8. Go to a movie by myself.

9. Get a manicure.

10. Get a grown-up job that uses my degree.

11. Attend a midnight movie showing. (DONE!)

12. Read the Bible.

13. Take a month off of Facebook.

14. Go two weeks vegetarian.

15. Buy a snazzy camera and take lots of pictures.

16. Beat Super Mario World on my Super Nintendo.

17. Learn how to juggle.

18. Catch up on Doctor Who. (DONE!)

19. Learn how to crochet.

20. Finish my Weasley sweater.

21. Wreck this Journal.

22. Take Luna on more walks.

23. Paint more.

24. Buy a webcam. Make a video.

25. Be awesome.

I will update on when I accomplish things. I've actually already done one of them, so hold on tight for that post.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Not goodbye.

I know everybody and their dog has probably blogged something about this, but I don't care.

I met Harry Potter at my grandparents' house when I was about 13 years old. My cousin had brought the first movie out for us to watch before we went to bed that night. We laid there on the floor in front of the tv and laughed our butt off when Hagrid burst through the door. "Sorry 'bout tha'" will always make me laugh.

Fast forward some years and 4 movies later, to the day Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows came out. At this point, I had read only one of the books. In middle school, I was always intimidated by their length. And I wasn't really much of a reader. But on that day, July 21, 2007, I bought and started reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Why had I not read these sooner?! I had been an avid movie watcher up to this point, but the books are so much better. While I will never be one of those people who can read an entire book series in a week, I fell further in love with Harry. And Ron. We can't forget him.

I finally finished reading the series one early Sunday morning. We're talking around 3am. There were many tears. And one run across the hall of my dorm to Erin's to confirm a death. And the rest is history.

I feel like I have a lot to thank JK and Harry for. Thanks for providing me with an escape to this awesome land Jo has created. Thanks for spurring on my love for reading. Thanks for teaching me about love and friendship. But mostly, thank you, Jo, for showing that anything can happen if you follow your dreams.

Now that the last movie has come out, a lot of people are going on about the end of Harry Potter. I don't see it as an end. Sure, they have finished making movies and JK Rowling is probably done making books, but Harry will always live on. I will always go back and read and watch. I will pass them on to my children to read. Like Jo said:

"Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home."

So Harry, this isn't goodbye. More like a.....see you later.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


This is a really random, on the spot post. But I just found something out and needed to share.

I've decided that if I ever have a son, I want to name him Sterling. I think it's such a cool name!

Me thinking of this probably stemmed from the fact that I'm currently rereading The Hunger Games series (I'm getting ready to finish Catching Fire tonight) and I picture Peeta looking something like Sterling Knight.

As I was thinking of naming my currently-non-existent son Sterling, I got to wondering what Sterling Knight's full name is. I mean, I have to think of some middle name to go with this. So I head over to imdb and find out that his full name is, are you ready for this?

Sterling Sandmann Knight.

Is this for real? Is his for real middle name Sandmann? That's pretty freaking sweet. Best. Name. Ever.

I'm picturing my mother's face after I tell her that her grandson is going to be named Sterling Sandmann. HA! She would die.

Ok, his name won't be Sterling Sandmann. But it will be Sterling.

k, bye.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy birthday!!

















Happy 21st sister!!

And happy 24th me!