Sunday, September 26, 2010

What's happening. (Hot stuff.)

It's been a good couple of weeks since I have posted anything on this here blog. I've been busy. And haven't had a whole lot of internet access. BUT a couple of things have happened, so I thought I would share.

1. My car died.
It was a tragic death.
The story: I was called into work early one morning a few weeks back. I hadn't showered yet, but threw on some clothes and mentally thanked my cousin for washing my hair the night before when she cut it. I was off to work, driving in the rain, when this chick stopped at the yellow light in front of me. While I tried to stop, the rain on the road didn't help and my car ran right into her.
Goodbye Joan.
So, now I am driving my mom's car and she just got a new fancy one. When I asked her the other day if I could drive it, she acted like I had asked the stupidest question on the planet.

I guess that's kinda true.....

Also, Taylor's niece asked me today "Why did your car wreck?" Honey, I really wish it hadn't...

2. I'm moving. Again.
My roommate moved back home. So that means that I have to find a place to live. And I did! It's a little studio apartment closer to my work and where my cousins live. My mom even came down and looked at it with me the other day.
This means that I actually get to set up and decorate a place of my own! I started going through my crap that is taking over the living room of my mom's place and put some things together. Like all my books and pictures and stuff. I still have a lot to go through.

3. I'm thinking about going back to school.
I just graduated in May. However, getting a good job with an art degree is really hard to do.
Trust me.
So I've been thinking of some other options. Here's what I've narrowed it down to:

a) Pastry school.

I've visited The Art Institutes- International and have even applied and been accepted to attend. They wanted me to start in October, but I just have too many other things going on right now. And I haven't even decided if this is the way I want to go.
But I love to watch food network and Chef Duff is like my idol, so I thought why not check it out.

b.) Art therapy.
This I've just gotten into looking at. I need to call a couple of colleges tomorrow and see if they have anything to offer me. But right now, I'm thinking I like this idea more and more. I mean, the pastry thing sounds fun and all, but I feel like I would really really enjoy the art therapy thing. I feel like it is geared more toward what I actually want to do. Which I don't really know yet....

So there you go. Some things that I have been up to. When I finally get to move into my new place (in a week or 2 hopefully) I'll have to remember to show off all my decor. Be getting excited. I am.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

It's that time of year again.

A couple of posts back I talked about how I was wanting to cut my hair off. I called up my cousin and she chopped it right off.

Let me just say, it is soooo much easier getting ready in the morning. Little blow drying after I get out of the shower, some straightening of the bangs and sections, and I'm good to go. I am going to have her cut some more though. I want some layers so sometime soon that is going to happen.

Now, with this new haircut I had to come up with some Halloween costumes to go with it. I love Halloween. I don't really think I have anything to do this Halloween, but I enjoy dressing up so maybe I'll just hand out candy to little kids. Or I'll get Amanda talked into dressing up with me too.

Anyways, I've thought up a couple. I like a good cheap costume, so anything that I can make out of the clothing I already have is great. Here we go.

1. Judy Funnie
You know. Doug Funnie's sister. I really do miss this cartoon. But, here's what I need for this:
  • purple dress/vest
  • black leggings
  • black boots
  • purple hat
  • sunglasses
Now, I have a purple dress, black leggings, and sunglasses. I just need the hat and boots. And I've been wanting boots for a while, so this just seems like a good time to get them.

2. Alice Cullen
Have the vest. Can get the plaid. Throw on my skinny jeans and black heels, and I'm good to go in that department. When I get the hair layered I can spike it all out and wear my pale makeup that I already have. This seems like the easiest costume.

Now, for if I want to get really creative, and more than slightly comical...

3. Berries and Cream Lad
This is the picture on my phone.
My little sister provides the best faces for face in hole creations.
If I had the costume, and the balls, I would totes wear this around for a day. But sadly, I don't think it will happen....