Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I don't cook....

..but I really, really want to. I want to be awesome and cook good things.

So, today I went and hit up the new thrift store that just opened down the street. I love me a good thrift store. While I was looking around, I found this find for a buck:
That, my friend, is a lovely little cookbook binder thing that allows me to add my own recipes. I thought the cover was really cute and would go well in the awesome vintage-y, whimsical future kitchen I have planned.

I actually hit up this thrift store twice today. The first time I didn't have any cash on me and was just going to kinda look around. Then when I found this, I decided that I had to go back. I was already planning a trip to the WalMarks so I could get some new iPod earbuds (since I can't seem to find mine) and some cash. And then I went back and bought this little puppy.

Now I just need to add the recipes. My mom made her cousin a family cookbook for Christmas this past year, so I'm going to raid her computer and find all the recipes she used for that and add them. As well as any other good recipe I come across. If you have any suggestions, throw them at me.

While at this new store, I also found a really old Singer sewing machine for $20. I was really tempted to buy it. It probably doesn't work anymore, but it was cute and I would have displayed it nicely. I may have to check in on that sometime..

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Mega Extreme Spoons.

Sometimes I start to write a blog post and then just save it as a draft, thinking that I will come back and take another look at it before posting it. And sometimes I forget about those posts and they never get posted. As I was looking for something to write about tonight, I decided to look back on my past posts and those that somehow managed to just be drafted. This is one of those. Please enjoy from a time when I was thinking on little sleep, lots of stress, and apparently fumes from sculpture class.


I was sitting outside on the patio things by the sculpture studio working on my project when the greatest idea I have ever had came to me. As I sit there, sealing my sculpture with this sealant that had a lot of fumes, I see people on the quad running a muck and getting all muddy. And that is when it hits me.

We've all played Spoons. Or, if you are Kaitlin, you haven't. (If you haven't, look up the rules.) Regular spoons. With them placed directly in front of you for easy reach.

Then, if you want to up the difficulty (and chance of breaking a bone), you play Extreme Spoons. Same regular spoons. But this time, they are located in a different room of the house. Now you have to race to get your spoon (and maybe trip over a few people/things in the process..).

And now, I introduce Mega Extreme Spoons. Here's the concept: On campus here, we play the card game outside on the quad (the large open, grassy area in the middle of campus). The spoons, however, are located in a pre-determined building. Now you have to sprint across campus. Dodging people on their bikes. Trying to not trip over that one loose brick in the sidewalk. And finally reach the door to the building that holds what you want most: that nice, semi-shiny, hopefully clean spoon.

I'm a friggin genius.

Monday, August 2, 2010

I need your advice.

I'm thinking about cutting my hair off. I've had long hair for a while now. It may be time for a change.
Soooooo, here's about how long my hair is now:

Ahhh Erin's graduation...

And here's what I think I want to do:

Just kidding. Totally freaked you out didn't I?! (Don't worry, this freaks me out too.)

Ok, in all seriousness, I'm thinking about something like this:
(Is this that chick from The Hills?? I don't really know..)

I haven't really decided yet. I've been wanting to do something different with my hair for a while now. And this just seems like a good idea.

Now I need people to talk me into it. Or out of it if you think it's a bad idea.
My cousin says I should do it.