Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Follow-up Letter.

Dear Rupert Grint,

Hey. You read that letter I wrote to you a while back didn't you? The one where I talk about how cool you are and how I want to be your friend and jam out with you in your ice cream truck.

So, Saturday was the last day of filming for Deathly Hallows. For Harry Potter in general. It really makes me sad. Harry Potter is coming to an end. You don't really need me to tell you lived it all. But what I found most fun, was that you drove your awesome ice cream truck to the last day of shooting. Seriously man? This is why you are my favorite. You take that truck out and supply people with ice cream. Well, according to Warwick Davis, you "served up 99s". Which I'm pretty sure is just a vanilla ice cream cone. And upon further investigation (aka: I googled it..) I found out that it is, in fact, a vanilla cone with a "chocolate flake" in it. Sounds yummy.

Way to start the party.

Stay cool,

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