Sunday, June 20, 2010

Art is what you can get away with.

I like a lot of different things. I am very easily entertained, so various things can keep my attention. I think this can be seen nicely in my taste in music. It is quite varied, except I don't listen to any JoBro or Miley Cyrus. Sorry.

Since I was an art major, I had to take my share of art history courses. Some of these were enjoyable (Contemporary Art), some not so much (Medieval Art, aka History of Magic..). My taste in art is also kinda varied, but not as much as my taste in music. I love Modern/Contemporary art. I search for it when I go to art museums. You know, the kind that people (Erin, my mom) say is boring and they don't get it and they think they can do it themselves. Note: You probably could. Hello, anybody can be an artist. I want to take this time to tell you who my favorite artist is.

Andy Warhol. I love him. I've just spent a good chunk of time (at least an hour) looking at prints and posters of his artwork. I already have a couple that I probably spent too much on, but I love them. And I want more. When I get a job (which is actually looking really promising right now. I'll update on that when I know more.) I want to buy these:
Plus some more.

And when I get my own place, I am having an art wall. Where I will hang all of my Andy pieces and anything else I may happened to collect. Like this:

I've had a canvas sitting here that I started painting, but didn't really know what I was going to paint. Since I've been looking around I have figured out what I'm going to do. I'll update when I'm done with it.

Thanks Andy for the inspiration.

1 comment:

Lauren @ You Had Me at Handmade said...

Thanks for visiting my blog, Whitney! Good luck to you with your job search; I know it's not easy as a fellow art school grad!