Sunday, June 20, 2010

Art is what you can get away with.

I like a lot of different things. I am very easily entertained, so various things can keep my attention. I think this can be seen nicely in my taste in music. It is quite varied, except I don't listen to any JoBro or Miley Cyrus. Sorry.

Since I was an art major, I had to take my share of art history courses. Some of these were enjoyable (Contemporary Art), some not so much (Medieval Art, aka History of Magic..). My taste in art is also kinda varied, but not as much as my taste in music. I love Modern/Contemporary art. I search for it when I go to art museums. You know, the kind that people (Erin, my mom) say is boring and they don't get it and they think they can do it themselves. Note: You probably could. Hello, anybody can be an artist. I want to take this time to tell you who my favorite artist is.

Andy Warhol. I love him. I've just spent a good chunk of time (at least an hour) looking at prints and posters of his artwork. I already have a couple that I probably spent too much on, but I love them. And I want more. When I get a job (which is actually looking really promising right now. I'll update on that when I know more.) I want to buy these:
Plus some more.

And when I get my own place, I am having an art wall. Where I will hang all of my Andy pieces and anything else I may happened to collect. Like this:

I've had a canvas sitting here that I started painting, but didn't really know what I was going to paint. Since I've been looking around I have figured out what I'm going to do. I'll update when I'm done with it.

Thanks Andy for the inspiration.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


I'm going to start a list of random, funny things my mother says.
This would be today's entry.

After seeing this picture on my computer background:

"He's gonna split his pants."

Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Follow-up Letter.

Dear Rupert Grint,

Hey. You read that letter I wrote to you a while back didn't you? The one where I talk about how cool you are and how I want to be your friend and jam out with you in your ice cream truck.

So, Saturday was the last day of filming for Deathly Hallows. For Harry Potter in general. It really makes me sad. Harry Potter is coming to an end. You don't really need me to tell you lived it all. But what I found most fun, was that you drove your awesome ice cream truck to the last day of shooting. Seriously man? This is why you are my favorite. You take that truck out and supply people with ice cream. Well, according to Warwick Davis, you "served up 99s". Which I'm pretty sure is just a vanilla ice cream cone. And upon further investigation (aka: I googled it..) I found out that it is, in fact, a vanilla cone with a "chocolate flake" in it. Sounds yummy.

Way to start the party.

Stay cool,

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Sooooooo I haven't been on here in a while it seems. It's not like I haven't had the time....I've graduated, have moved back home, and have no job. BUT, I will now fill you in on some things...I guess.

Alright, so my mom is finally getting married in July. And since I don't have a job, and have an art degree, I get to help in the creative department. We made all of her invitations. Those are done and I am mailing them out tomorrow.
(So, if you are a luck one to get an invite (Erin..), know that I was the one to cut out and tape down the ivory piece of paper.)
This afternoon when Mom got off of work, we headed up to the flower shop to pick out flowers. She doesn't want to hold flowers during the ceremony, but she asked me if I wanted to have flowers.
(My choice decided whether my sister and groom's daughters had flowers. I feel so special.)
I told her yes.
If I don't have something in my hand I am liable to fidget.
We're talking KStew level of fidgeting.
So, in the end, we got flowers. Don't ask me what kind. I don't remember. But they are a pinkish/purpleish color. Plus, we got flowers for table decor at the reception.
(Also, at the dance Mom just wants cake. Groom wants meatballs and cheese. Please laugh at how random this is with me.)

Job hunt: eghhhhh. I've been looking at jobs in the city. I've been there twice now.
Going to every gallery/art association/anything art related place and handing them my resume/filling out their application.
This last time I went, I hit up a couple of David's Bridals. They both happened to be hiring. One of them in the alterations department. They got really excited when they saw that I can sew. Soooo I met with the assistant manager, who introduced me to the alterations manager, who showed me around the alterations department. It would be an entry position, which is good because I don't have a lot of experience with sewing garments.
Hopefully things will come out of this. Soon would be good.

Um, my summer reading list is growing. A lot. I'm rereading Harry Potter right now. I'm on Chamber of Secrets. I freaking love this series.
And then I have people that give me books. My cousin gave me 2 books when I stayed with her while job hunting: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, and The Host.
I'll get to reading them sometime....

Speaking of reading: has anyone read that Bree Tanner book SMeyer put out?? I have it pulled up on my computer, so I'll probably read it online before I decide if I'm going to spend money on it. Bree seems like a really random choice to write about.
Hey Stephenie Meyer: For your next Twilight related book, can we get the human story of Edward? Or Emmett? Or any Cullen/main character for that matter? Great, thanks.

Alright, I'm going to have to close this sorta random post. I have to go try on my dress for the wedding. Let's hope it still fits..