Thursday, May 20, 2010

Spring Cleaning.

I think I should start off by saying that I hate cleaning with a mighty, mighty passion. I also hate unpacking about as much as I hate packing. But when I can't find clothes because they are still in trash bags from when I moved back home, something needs to be done.
So today, I started my version of "spring cleaning".

After first tackling the 2 large trash bags of clothing that I had yet to unpack and putting them away, I decided that I should just go through all of my clothes.
Because, let's face it, I had a lot of clothing that was too small/I wasn't wearing.
After going through 2 dresser drawers and half of my closet, I currently have refilled those 2 trash bags with clothes that will be taken to Goodwill.
Tomorrow I will handle the other part of my closet and the other 2 dresser drawers.

Eventually I might even get to cleaning the other part of my room.

Oh, and the best things I found today in my closet:
2 Dorothy dresses from past Halloween costumes
1 dance costume from my dancing days when I was a young child
1 Hanson poster

Allllllso..... I just joined Twitter. I held off as long as I could. So, you know, you can follow me if you so like: @cordray1

1 comment:

samalia said...

l-o-v-e the hanson poster... i saved NKOTB bookcovers and a calendar from the trash while cleaning/packing. I'll never part with them.