Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The time where I rant and get angry at a fictional character.

Ok, so I'm rereading Eclipse right now. I wanted to read it again before the movie came out, and since I'm going to start reading Harry Potter next week I thought I would squeeze some Eclipse action in this week. I have this one little bone to pick with Bella Swan:

Why the crap is it a big deal to get married to Edward Cullen?!

I know she goes on to say that Charlie and Renee got married and then things got bad and blah blah blah. Here's what I have to say to that...

1. You're not your momma. Just sayin.

2. It's freaking Edward Cullen. Half of the world right now wants to marry Edward Cullen. (The other half is either straight men or Team Jacob. Whatever.)

3. You're going to spend the rest of your life with him anyways. So why not just get in a fancy wedding dress and have a party. You've already decided to be with him forever by making yourself a vampire (which seems a hella lot more intense than exchanging some wedding vows..), so why not just say all that jazz (well, maybe not the vampire part..) in front of your family. Seems pretty simple to me. Plus, this gets Edward off your back and then he will actually turn you. Seems like a win-win..

Anyways, I'm done with that now. Just, quit making a big deal Bella Swan. Freaking A.

Also, both Edward and Jacob are making me mad right now. Don't tell my cousin. She doesn't need to know that Eddie is making me mad. I have a strong Team Edward loyalty to show off. (She's Team Jacob. One of them crazies..)

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