Monday, May 10, 2010

Good-bye TSU. Hello Life.

I graduated from college Saturday. It still seems pretty weird to be done with all of it. I feel like this morning I should have woke up and made the walk to Barnett for World Geography and try to guess whether or not Wolfgang would be wearing his same black jeans again.

I've thought about what I was going to write about for graduation for a while now. And it has changed 3 different times. Going from something funny, to something more serious, to something completely different. And since serious conversations tend to make me uncomfortable, I've decided to go with something a little light.

10 Things I Will Miss About You, Truman State University and Surrounding Kirksville:

1. Ophelia Parrish (the art building). OP, I'll admit it, I really hated you there for a while. I loathed having to pry myself off of my couch to make the venture to you. And I sometimes hated every second of my visit. But you were my second home in KVegas. And for that, I thank you.

2. The Mighty MO. Ohhhh Mighty MO. When it came to dining hall food, you topped the list. With your 2 hamburgers and cheese and bun that was sometimes a little hard on the bottom, you were a little heart attack waiting to happen. But I loved every bite.

3. Humans vs Zombies. You all are a crazy people. And intense as all get out. But you sure as hell were entertaining.

4. Pancake City. Or more commonly known by the college folk as "Shittys". Where else will I ever be able to go at 3 am to get me some Reese's pancakes with a side of bacon while still getting that hometown feel?

5. Winter. Everyone reading this who has lived in or visited Kirksville in the winter months is wondering why the crap this is on my list. Winters in KVille suck balls. It is cold and snowy and Truman never lets classes out. But it really was pretty. And I do love long as I don't have to walk anywhere in it.

6. Using the excuse "but I'm a college student.." Because, let's face it, I'm kind of a grown up now. But I will never act like one. So now I have to find another excuse for my immaturity.

7. Brother Jed. Bro Jed, you are a crazy, passionate man and I don't believe in everything you have to say. But everytime you came to campus I knew you were there before I even saw you. Because when there is loud yelling coming from one male voice and a crowd of college students surrounding that one male, it can only mean one thing: Brother Jed is in town.

8. True Men. I'm really sad that I was only able to really see you guys twice this year. I could listen to you fells sing all day long.

9. Hidden Treasures. My thrift store of choice. I visited you several times for several reasons. Whether it was for taking pictures for my photography class, getting the perfect plaid shirt for my awesome KStew ensemble, or just because I was bored and wanted to check things out, you always delivered.

10. College Life. I loved college. I loved the atmosphere. I loved walking through the quad on a nice day and seeing students laying on blankets or playing frisbee. I loved seeing students being passionate about whatever they were doing, whether it was in the classroom or at some other event. I will miss it all.

So Truman State University, thanks for the lasat 4 years. They were some good times. I did some things that I will remember forever. I met some fantastic people that will remain friends for the rest of my life.

Good-bye TSU. I'll try to visit often.

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