Sunday, April 29, 2012

Wedding Update: 1 year.

Well folks, Friday (April 27) was the one year mark until the wedding. I figured I would start updating on the planning business. I feel like I'm doing pretty good so far, seeing as I'm the biggest procrastinator in all the land. Thankfully, I've got my mom here to keep me on track.

1. Date and Place. Done and done. When I called the priest to offically set the date with him, he was surprised we were going ahead and scheduling this far in advance. Trust me Father, so am I.

2. Colors. Let's face it. All girls think about wedding ideas way before they actually get engaged. So when we became official, I kinda already had some things in mind. Like the color scheme. The bridesmaids are all wearing navy. And flowers and accents and such will be yellow. Flower girl may be wearing yellow as well, I haven't decided yet. She's about the only one who could pull off wearing yellow. Plus I'm thinking of throwing in some other blues in for variety.

3. People in the wedding. When we got engaged, Mom gave me a list of all the things we needed to come up with. It's in my wedding notebook. (Yes, I have a wedding notebook. I actually have a wedding bag.) Most of the list was of who we wanted to do things in the wedding. So Taylor and I sat down one night and filled it out. I think we've basically figured out who is doing something in the wedding and what they are doing. We haven't told all of them yet, but we'll get to that eventually.

4. My shoes! Yes, I have my shoes. I got them before I even got my dress. I knew I wanted red and no heels. I don't wear heels and much prefer the comfort of flats. So I was either going to go with some converse or Toms. And then my friend found these awesome sparkle Toms and I KNEW right then that I had to have them. You see, The Wizard of Oz has been my favorite movie for forever, that's why I knew I wanted red shoes. And there was no way I was going to pass up wearing my form of ruby slippers in my wedding. And let me tell you, I am in LOOOOOOOOVE.

5. The dress. Yup. I have my dress. Or, I've picked out and ordered my dress. I have to pick it up this week. And no, you can't see it. I'm keeping it a secret. The only people who have seen it are work people, Mom and Abby, and I sent a picture to my dad. I have been showing people pictures of all the dresses I tried on and having them guess which one it is. (Except Taylor. He still gets to wait.) I had an awful lot of fun dress shopping with Mom and Abby. And Mom didn't even cry. She choked up a bit when I came out in the first dress, but no tears. I am very very excited about it. I think it looks fab.

Stay tuned for more updates!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Why Spiderman is the coolest.

A few months ago, I started sporting a Spiderman watch to work. It started out as kind of a joke. I had left my regular watch behind at my mom's, so I just ran to WalMart and picked up the cheapest watch they had to offer. It was either Hello Kitty, Barbie, Spiderman, or WWE wrestling. Obviously, Spiderman wins this battle.
Since then, I've gotten a lot of comments at work on my watch. Ranging from the small children who think it is cool that I have a Spiderman watch (one little boy and I compared watches...he had one too) to the adults who ask if it belongs to my son (true story). My boss even likes to get it on it and give me crap. We were selling a Spiderman Easter basket at work, and he told me I should buy it. It's gone now though. Apparently some small child felt like they needed to have it.

So, here lately I've been trying to compile a list of reasons why Spiderman is the coolest superhero. Here's the top 3.

1. He's a little nerdy. Let's face it, Peter Parker is the nerd of the superhero group. Bruce Wayne is the rich, popular dude. Clark Kent is the smart, handsome guy. And Peter Parker is the nerd. Awesome.

2. He doesn't require anything fancy to use his powers. Batman has his fancy tool belt and Batmobile. Spiderman just has his spandex suit (makes his keester* look awfully nice) and his web-flinging wrists and sticky climbing fingers. Awesome times 2.

3. His photography. I think this is what I like about Peter Parker the most. He has a job as a photographer. Taking pictures of Spiderman. Which boils down to taking pictures of himself. Triple awesome.

Taylor's nephew and I share the same birthday. My goal is to eventually get him into Spiderman and Harry Potter so we can have fun themed birthday parties (last year we had a Cars themed party and the year before that it was Spongebob). I figure right now it will be easier to get him into Spiderman and then work up to Harry. Taylor told me he tried to get him to watch Spiderman on tv once and he called it "stupid". But then he got a Spiderman motorcycle toy thing for Easter, so it's all up in the air right now.

*Have you seen the interview Andrew Garfield did on Ellen?! If not, you should check it out. He talks about his "keester" in his Spidey suit.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Weird Dream Files: Take 2

I had this dream a few nights ago. When I woke up, I immediately texted Taylor and told him the story. You'll see why.

In my dream, Taylor was in a fraternity. Which is weird for two reasons. A) The college Taylor went to didn't even have fraternities. And 2) I've never looked at him and thought, "hey, I bet you'd make a good frat guy."

But I digress. Back to the story.

So, Taylor was in this frat. And he was going back to the college for some reunion thing. Anyways, he kept texting me about how he was so glad to be back and how he forgot how much he liked his "brothers" and he was having the greatest time ever. And then he told me he was moving to the town his college was in. And he didn't care what anyone thought. And in my dream mind, I thought he was being a big d-bag. I'm pretty sure I said that out loud in the dream. I might have even texted him in the dream telling him he was being a d-bag.

Luna then wakes me up so she could go outside. She has an old lady-doggy bladder. So I let her outside and she does her business and comes back in and I go back to sleep.

And then I have another dream.

In this second dream, I was telling Taylor about how I just had a dream about him being a d-bag. And he's wearing overalls. And has hair quite similar to Darren Criss when he was in A Very Potter Musical. And he's wearing overalls. Did I mention that? Because I think it needs mentioned again. He was wearing overalls!

When I texted Taylor the shortened version of those dreams after I really did wake up, his response was:

"Did you drink before bed?"

And then when I told him I had Baby by The Biebs stuck in my head, he thought I wrote that I was having a baby by The Biebs. Silly dude.

Anyways, maybe I should lay off the wine before bed....