Sunday, January 22, 2012

He liked it so he put a ring on it.

Here's the story about how I got this ring on ma finger:


Let's start by rewinding back to Christmas. We're all at his parents' house opening presents and he tells me that I still have one more from him. I just say "ok" and move on, not worrying about it much.

Then on December 30th, he makes a trip down to my apartment in the city. I kinda thought this was weird, seeing as I had to work until 7 that day and then had to be at work at 11 in the morning. And he was needing to go back on the 31st. But I didn't ask questions.

I could tell something was up. He just seemed different. Probably nervous.

Anyways, we went out to eat and when we got back to my apartment he hides my gifts while I'm in the bathroom. Then I get sent on a little treasure hunt. If you ask him, he'd tell you I complained about it the whole time. But that's not the point...

After I found my first gift (A Christmas Story cup he got the day after Christmas), he sent me on the hunt to find my other one. He ended up putting it in a little decorative Santa bag I had hanging on my doorknob. When I pulled the box out I knew what it was. And the rest is history!

Later we ended up calling each other's mothers. His mom knew, mine didn't. He didn't go the traditional route and ask the parents. My mom's reaction was really funny. It went something like this:

Taylor: Hey, would it be ok if I was your son-in-law?
Mom: Well, yeah. I guess that would be ok.
.............long pause..................
Mom: Wait...when did this happen?!

But, yeah. Mom's pretty excited. We can't wait to go dress shopping! I already stopped by David's Bridal and picked up some catalogs. And marked the one's I like with post-its.



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