Friday, November 26, 2010

Making Christmas.

This isn't really my favorite song from Nightmare Before Christmas, but it's fitting.

I'm making it my goal of making everyone/mostly everyone's Christmas presents this year. Yesterday I sat and made a list of everyone I needed gifts for and started trying to figure out what to make them. Sooooo far I've got something for my mom, sister, and one other one figured out. Next week I hope to get started on them.

Alllllso, since it is now after Thanksgiving, I get to start decorating for Christmas! I always wait until after Thanksgiving. So next week I'm going to hit up some thrift stores and find Christmas decorations. And by "stores" I mean that I'm going to the best one on the planet that I've been going to since the beginning of time: Share and Care. I'm so friggin excited.

Happy Holidays everyone!

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