Friday, November 26, 2010

Making Christmas.

This isn't really my favorite song from Nightmare Before Christmas, but it's fitting.

I'm making it my goal of making everyone/mostly everyone's Christmas presents this year. Yesterday I sat and made a list of everyone I needed gifts for and started trying to figure out what to make them. Sooooo far I've got something for my mom, sister, and one other one figured out. Next week I hope to get started on them.

Alllllso, since it is now after Thanksgiving, I get to start decorating for Christmas! I always wait until after Thanksgiving. So next week I'm going to hit up some thrift stores and find Christmas decorations. And by "stores" I mean that I'm going to the best one on the planet that I've been going to since the beginning of time: Share and Care. I'm so friggin excited.

Happy Holidays everyone!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Oh hey.

I'm watching this right now.

No big deal.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

One of my favorite pictures ever.


This is me on my 7th birthday.
Look at my excitement for receiving that fishing pole from my grandparents.
And let me tell you, I got a lot of use out of that fishing pole.

And yes, that is a Polaroid. Because Polaroids are awesome.