Thursday, December 27, 2012


Yesterday I finally made a firm decision on something that I have been thinking about for a long while.

I'm starting my own business where I sell my own handmade items and artwork. It has become my new year's resolution. I've been telling myself that I should open an Etsy shop or something for a long while now, but today I decided to really put things into motion.

There were a couple of reasons for finally deciding, but I'm not going to list them all here. One of them being the fact that I'm more mobile this way. With Taylor and I getting married in a few months, and both of us still living 2 hours away from each other, I figure that by having this little business going I could move around more depending on where we move. (Don't worry, I'm not quitting my day job.)

I've been doing some sketches and brainstorming ideas for my little shop. I've even made a couple of things. I'm going to get back into my fiber arts and work on some ideas there. It will be nice to see how this little idea evolves.

Another thing that's going to be changing: this blog. I don't know if you've noticed, but I've only been blogging here about once or twice a year lately. I want to write more, but not here. When I start this new shop project, I feel like I want to start a new blog where I can connect the two. So, I'm shutting this guy down (I'll probably just stop posting and keep it so I can go back and read past things later) and opening something new. The name and all that is still to be determined. I've got a couple of ideas, but I'm always open to suggestions.

To sum up: this little first blog of mine is going bye-bye and I'm FINALLY starting my own business. Look forward to that around the first of the year. I'll let you all know what happens.
