Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I love Halloween. It's one of my favorite seasons. I love having fun Halloween costumes and decorating with pumpkins and such. I do not, however, love being scared. No way, Jose. And if I could figure out how to put the accent over that "e" I would.

Anyways, I decorated for Halloween a little tonight while watching Nightmare before Christmas. One of my favorite movies ever. We would watch it all the time when we were kiddies.



Little Eddie likes Halloween.

Next up is trying to decide on a costume. Now that I'm out of college, I don't really have a reason to dress up other than the fact that it's fun. Sadly, I don't have any costume parties to attend. And no kids to take trick or treating. My apartment doesn't even get trick or treaters. So basically, I'm going to dress up and figure out some place to go.

My first choice was to go as Amy Pond:


But, (a) Nobody would know who the heck Amy Pond is (unless I have a Doctor with me) and (b) Sadly, I don't have red hair...

Soooooo, then I thought I would just be a fun version of The Doctor:


I even went to the thrift store and bought a bow tie and blazer (mine is blue..). I figured even if I didn't wear it on Halloween, I could always wear the blazer to work. And it was only $3 for both the bow tie and jacket. And instead of having a sonic screwdriver, I was just going to carry around a regular screwdriver and tell people it's sonic.

I just reaaaaaaally want to have this convo with someone:
Them: Who are you?
Me: I'm The Doctor.
Them: Doctor who?
Me: **giggle**